<-- Beijing
Here's the point. Luke calls to say, "Hey, Lijah. I was reading your blog" -- really??? -- "and you didn't finish."
"What? What are you talking about?" I am in the process of simultaneously recovering from the shock of being woken up and recovering from the shock of the fact that my friend Luke has actually read my blog. I am in all sorts of shock.
"What happens on day four?" he asks, rather demandingly to be honest.
"Luke, I'm sleeping."
"No, you're not."
"Well I was, and I would be if you hadn't called."
"Coulda, woulda, shoulda."
"Stop watching Sex in the City," I tell him. This is why he has no guy friends to hang out with. This is why he is calling me so frigging early in the morning. This is the root evil of all his (and my) problems. "Make friends and go to brunch. Leave me alone."
"What happened on day four?"
"Jil and I went to the Badlands. We hiked. They were bad ass. Then we drove through South Dakota and read silly billboards. You know, they said things like, 'Wear fur. Help Manage Your Wildlife.'"

"Really. And, um, something like, 'Every child deserves a life, even this kid with Down Syndrome,' and then it showed a giant picture of a baby with Down Syndrome. Oh and there were Prairie Dogs. Lots of them. And then we saw the world's only corn palace."
"Not really. I guess. No, not really."
"Then what?"
"Then we found a hotel and went to bed."
"That was it?"
"Okay. Talk to you later then."
"Okay," I say and am about to hang up the phone. "Wait! Don't you want to hear about day five?" I ask.
"Eh. Not really."
That's my friend Luke. He's like, I don't know, pretty cool. Not like *very* cool, but like, OK cool. You know what I mean?
Oh yeah. Luke wanted a shout out. Here goes. Whuddup, Luke! If you're reading this, you still owe me $4.13. Don't forget.

<---- Luke