Friday, August 8, 2008

Haikus for all occasions.


Somber lilies
Hollow box and gone forever
Which one was Uncle Howie again?

"The Dirty Deed"

To-die-for body
Killer lips kiss mine
Oh no, you're a double agent! Aaaaaaahh--- (thunk)

"Turning Point"

Three weeks
Still no blood
Fuck, I think I'm pregnant

"Pros and Cons"

Lying bitch
You cheated with that guy from Whole Foods
But, your apartment has central air.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your haikus, Lijah. I enjoy them like a "skinny kid enjoys cake" to quote you from yesterday. My favorite haiku is lying bitch mostly because I TOO would stay with a guy who cheated on me with a guy from Whole Foods if his apartment had central air. Then I would just eat ice cream alot. Because per our discussion in July, I chose ice cream over sexual relations. Done.

Keep writing. You make me giggle.