Friday, March 5, 2010

Unemployment: Day 24

Last weekday of being unemployed. THANK THE LORD. Starting Monday I'll be a contributing member of society again. (happy dance)

end scene.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Unemployment: Day 9

First relaxed morning of being unemployed! High five! Ever since Day 1, when I endeavored to have a thoroughly lazy day spent exclusively in front of the television, but instead found myself attacking my apartment with all manner of cleaning equipment and chemicals for about six continuous hours, I haven't been able to relish the upside of joblessness. There are things to do and worry about and get in order, and my headache-inducing "to do" list outmuscles the urge to lounge at every turn. I start streaming LOST only to discover my former employers terminated my insurance before I even stopped working, and before I know it, I'm making six different phone calls, writing ten emails, and looking up everything from employee rights to how to get my birth control from Canada on the cheap (check out by the by).

But today, my first on the East Coast in a long time, my "do something!" energy submitted to a sleepy morning in bed reading David Sedaris's delightful Naked. Next, I meandered on facebook, looked through all the photos I've taken in the past ninety days, slowly sipped a cup of coffee, and decided to write a blog post. Los Angeles with its warmer weather and laid back lifestyle is supposed to promote relaxation, but I'm finding thirty degree temperatures and snow-sludge underfoot to be just what I need. Hell, it's almost noon, and I'm not even dressed yet.


Okay. So, I just looked up at my computer clock, which is still on California time, and realized it's not even 9am PST yet - the time zone I'm technically adjusted to - and I've been up for four hours already. I SHOULD still be sleeping; instead I've read half a book, answered a ton of emails, organized my photos, and contemplated cleaning my friend's apartment -- not because it needs cleaning, but because I'm apparently a CRAZY person. Awesome.

One day, I swear, I'll get this whole slovenly, sit-around-all-day, unshowered, unemployed thing, and then I'll know I've really done something with my time. Until then, thank you EST for making it at least appear like I'm capable of chilling out.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Unemployment: Day 1

Applied for unemployment benefits. I love me some cheese, especially the government kind.

Goal for today: compose a list of things to accomplish during Unemployment Staycation 2010. A small sampling of items to include -- CLEAN. Laundry. Clean more. Oil change. Fix car windshield. Write. GET JOB.

All fer now...


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

'member me?

Dearest Darlingest Loyal Readers:

It is now January 2010, and I have not written you since a full year ago. I know that you worried about my safety, questioned my devotion, and wondered what you'd done to deserve such neglect. I know you told yourself the only reasonable, acceptable, nay--rational explanation was that I'd been a victim of some horrific accident which left me without the use of my typing fingers. And I know immediately after that thought you chastised yourself for wishing me harm; that you said, "No, no, let it not be that. But let it also not be that she has just abandoned us. Let it be something else. Something I can't quite imagine, maybe can't quite understand. Something beyond reprieve, beyond concern, beyond that which needs any explanation at all..."

And so I say, Hello. Happy New Year. I shall write you more awkward tales soon.

Much love,